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Boca. Barbeta. Coll. Espatlla. Braç. Part superior del braç. Colze. Avantbraç. Aixella. Esquena. pit. cintura. Abdomen. Natges. Maluc. Cama. Cuixa. Genoll. vedell. dit. Canell. Ungla. clau. Palma. Front. Orella. Galta. Nas. Nas. Mandíbula. Barba. Bigoti. Llengua. Dent. tirant. Llavi. l'ull. cella. Pestanyes. Parpella. una parpella. parpella única. Múscul família Pare. pare. mare. mare. germana. El meu nen petit. noi. Fill. noi. Filla. nena. mel. estimada. Estimat. Carinyo. Sra. Sra. Sra. Sr. senyora i senyors. senyora. senyor. Dr. Buddy o Bud. Pal. company. Avis i avis. L'avi. àvia. tieta. Tió. Cosí. Sogre. Sogra. Cunyada. Cunyat. Pares. Padrastre. Padrastre. Germà. pare. mare. Cònjuge. Marit. dona. Nen. Nens. Filla. Padrastre. Padrastre. madrastra. Mare madrastra. Exmarit. Exmarit. Exdona. Ex dona. Mig germà. Mig germà. Germanastre. Germanastre. Mitja germana. Mitja germana. Germanastra. Germanastra. Germà gran. germana gran. néts. néts. néta. néta. nét. fill nét. Nebot. neboda. Monoparental. Familia nombrosa. nuclear. Immediat. només. Disfuncional. trencat. Pares adoptius. A prop de. Portar-se bé amb. Admirar. Confiar. Cuidar. Fes pujar. Diferència d'edat. Parent llunyà. Infància despreocupada. Infància amb problemes. Divorci. Divorci amarg. Maquillatge. Conseqüència negativa. Parla. Ajuntar-se. Portar-se bé amb. portar-se bé amb algú. Tenir alguna cosa dinscomú. Prendre després. Parir. Casar-se amb sb. Tenir cura de. Cuidar. Creixer. Fes pujar. Cosí. Genial. Tió avi. tia avia. Bastard. Orfe. solter. Batxillerat. Spintster. Vidu. Viuda. Gent. Parent. Parenta. Fraternitat. Germandat. padrí. déu pare. padrina. Déu mare. fill adoptat. Habitacions dins de la casa. Xemeneia. Escalfador. Aire acondicionat. Ventilador del sostre. Escapada de foc. Ascensor. Den. Fangs. Sala de pols. Soterrani. golfes. Vestíbul / vestíbul. Radiador. Sostre. teules de teulada. Planta d'interior. passadís. Zumbador. Cartell. Dormitori: llit. Bessó. Talla King. Lliteres. Matalàs. Manta. Edredó / edredó. Coixí. Funda de coixí. Llum. Tauleta de nit / llit. Armari. Vestidor. Armari. Vanitat. Finestra. Marc de la finestra. Vidre de la finestra. Ampit de la finestra. Cortina. Penjadors. Despertador. Oficina / estudi: Bolígraf. Llapis. Marcadors. Clips de paper. Cinta. Resaltador. Goma d'esborrar. Notes adhesives. Etiquetes. Tisores. Impressora. Escriptori. Llibreria / prestatgeria. Calaixos. Cadira. Balancí. Rellotge de l'avi. Marcs d'imatges. Escriptori/ordinador portàtil. Outlet. Allargador. Papereria. Globus. Vocabulari de la sala d'estar: Catifa. Catifa. Sofà / sofà. Taula de cafè. Televisió/TV. suport de televisió. Tauleta auxiliar. Llar de foc. Foc de ferro / pòquer. Llenya. Futon / sofà llit / sofà llit. Puf. Altaveus. Cinema a casa. Bany: Banyera i dutxa. Lavabo. Règim de bellesa. L'etiqueta. Enfonsament. Aixeta. Mirall. Banyera. Dutxa. Carxofa de dutxa. Cortina de la dutxa. Rajoles. Raspall de dents. Pasta de dents. Fil dental. Esbandida bucal. Xampú. Condicionador. Sabó / rentador corporal. Lufa. Tovallola. Tovallola. Tovalloler. Escorreu. Lavabo. Èmbol. Bidet. Cuina: Armari / armari. Taulell / taulell. Forn. Fogons / fogons. Cremador. Microones. Illa. Plateria. Estris. Pot. Pan. Olla arrossera. Olla de cocció lenta. Torradora. Forn torrador. Batedora. Batre. Pinces. Escuradents. Nevera / nevera / congelador. Imants. Congelador. Mininevera. Comestibles. Recollida d'escombraries. Paperera / paperera. Paperera de compost. Caixa de pa. Tubs. Plats/plats. gots / copes. Tassa. Sabó de rentar plats. Esponja. Rentaplats. Tamboret. Menjador : Taula de menjador. Estovalles individuals. Posavasos. Centre de taula. Espelmes. Aranya. Entrada davantera: Porta d'entrada. Timbre. Mat de benvinguda. Porxo. Porxo. Bústia de correu. Bloqueig. Vora. Llista de vocabulari del jardí: Tanca. Porta. Gespa. Tallagespa. Jardí. Hort. Aspersors. Mànega. cobert. Garatge. Calçada. Pala. bufador de neu. Rastrell. Swing. Casa de l'arbre. Pati. Pou de foc. Banyera d'hidromassatge / jacuzzi. Grava. Bugaderia: Rentadora. Assecador. Detergent. Cistella de la roba. Estenedor. Pantalla assecadora. Garatge: Cotxe. al cotxe. moto. bicicleta. Cotxe elèctric. furgonetes. carman. camió. camió contenidor. ambulància. policia de cotxes. Saló. Habitació de manteniment. cobert. Loft. golfes. Celler. Soterrani. Aterratge. Saló. Porxo. Rebost o rebost. Terrassa o pati. Estudiar. Balcó. Habitació de jocs. Joc de joc. Celler. cobert. Biblioteca. Casa de l'arbre. Hivernacle. golfes. Loft. Habitació lliure. guarderia. habitació del panic. Celler. sala de fang. sala del conservador. Tipus de cases/llocs on viu la gent: casa. Xalet. Casa adossada. Apartament (Regne Unit normalment pla). Casa adossada. Casa rural. Bungalow. Llit. Vila. Temps compartit. Control remot. connector-i-power-point. Power point. Endoll. televisió. Butaca. cadira. Taula de menjador. porta. Tirador. estora de taula. Armari. llit. Tauleta de nit. mirall. Catifa. cortina. Calaix. armari. Tovallola. prestatge per a llibres. Gerro. llocs: aeroport. centre comercial. fleca. museu. banc. biblioteca. bar. aparcament llibreria / llibreria. farmàcia / farmàcia. parada d'autobús. comissaria. carnisseria. cafè. Església. Oficina de correus. cort. grans magatzems. pub. cinema / pel·lícules. parc. estació de servei. gimnàs. restaurant. perruqueria. escola. hospital. galeria. estació de tren, estació de tren. verduleria. supermercat. botiga de queviures, botiga de queviures. presó, presó. zoològic. bugaderia, bugaderia. a l'avió. museu; cinema; fàbrica; planta; departament; cos de bombers; Ajuntament; Ajuntament; presó; presó; Equipaments educatius: escola bressol; llar d'infants; escola primària; Institut; escola; universitat; Institut; universitat; acadèmia; escola de Medicina; Facultat de Dret; escola de negocis; Escola vocacional; escola de comerç; escola Tècnica; escola de música; saló de bellesa; saló de bellesa; centre de bellesa; Cura del cabell, cura de la pell: perruqueria; perruqueria; barberia; Serveis i reparacions: bugaderia; bugaderia; tintoreries; taller de reparació d'automòbils; taller de reparació d'automòbils; taller de reparació de cotxes; estació de servei; garatge; taller de reparació de bicicletes; taller de reparació d'ordinadors; taller de reparació de la llar; serralleria. sala de massatges; solàrium. biblioteca; campus; dormitori; centre de dia; campament de dia; campament d'estiu. Església; catedral; temple; capella; mesquita; sinagoga. hotel car; hotel moderat; hotel barat; hotel barat; serveis de l'hotel; instal·lacions de l'hotel; centre de negocis; restaurant; parc infantil; instal·lacions de fitness; instal·lacions d'exercici; gimnàs; sala d'exercicis; piscina. restaurant; cafeteria; cafè; menjador; esmorzar dinar; cafeteria; saló de te; snack bar; lloc per menjar; casa de menjar; menjador; menjador; menjador escolar; graella; pizzeriaia; barra de llet; Club de salut; gimnàs; gimnàs; club de tennis; club de golf; club de camp; zona esportiva; àrea d'esbarjo; camp esportiu; parc infantil; campament; camp de futbol; camp de bàsquet; pista de tennis; curs de golf; piscina; pista de patinatge; ring de boxa; anell de lluita lliure; pista de carreres; hipòdrom; camp de futbol; estadi; pavelló esportiu. sala d'espera; sala de consulta; sala hospitalària; Sala d'emergències; sala d'operacions; l'ambulància; maternitat; casa de maternitat; asil d'ancians; farmàcia; farmàcia. Facilitats d'esports : Club de salut; gimnàs; gimnàs; club de tennis; club de golf; club de camp; camp de futbol; camp de bàsquet; pista de tennis; curs de golf; piscina; pista de patinatge; ring de boxa; anell de lluita lliure; pista de carreres; hipòdrom; zona esportiva; àrea d'esbarjo; camp esportiu; parc infantil; campament; Instal·lacions sanitàries hospital; clínica; policlínic; centre de Salut; clínica hospitalària; clínica dental; el dentista; consulta externa; servei ambulatori; centre quirúrgic ambulatori; departament de cirurgia; camp de futbol; estadi; pavelló esportiu. pensió (pensió); llit i menjar; pensió; hotel de luxe; hotel de luxe; hotel de cinc estrelles; hotel de quatre estrelles; hotel de tres estrelles; hotel del centre; petit hotel; gran hotel; antic hotel; hotel deteriorat; hotel; fonda; motel; albergar; alberg; hotel residencial; allotjament; allotjament; casa d'allotjament; casa d'habitacions; casa d'hostes (casa d'hostes); fonda rural; zona d'acampada; càmping; barri residencial; zona residencial (barri; barri); barri industrial; carrer; carretera; avinguda; carreró; bulevard; carril; conduir; ruta; via pública; lloc; ubicació; lloc; localitat; veïnatge; medi ambient; entorns. gran ciutat; ciutat gran; petit poble; ciutat densament poblada; parada d'autobús; parada d'autobús; terminal d'autobusos; parada de taxis; estació del metro; entrada del metro; casa; casa petita; casa gran; casa de maó; pedra marró; casa de fusta; casa d'apartaments; bloc de pisos (BrE); edifici residencial; casa de tres pisos; casa de quatre plantes; edifici de diversos pisos; casa adossada; cabana; cabina; bungalou; barraca; albergar; cabanya de troncs; aparcament; aparcament de vorera; aparcar al voral; parquímetre; garatge; estació de tren; estació de ferrocarril; estació de tren; aeroport; gasolinera; estació de servei; benzinera. centre de la ciutat; centre de la ciutat; suburbi; afores; barris marginals; gueto; regió; districte; barri; barri; bloc; límits de la ciutat; ciutat; poble; capital; metròpoli; poble; caseriu; assentament; port; recurs; castell; palau; vila; finca; mansió; casa senyorial; fortalesa; casa de poble; casa rural; casa d'estiu; masia; casa ranxo; edifici d'oficines; edifici de formigó-acer; edifici de vidre; construcció de maó; gratacels; de gran alçada; torre; edifici d'ascensors; walk-up (edifici walk-up). balneari; Resort al costat del mar; estació d'hivern; estació de muntanya; estació d'esquí; carretera; autopista; via ràpida; autopista; calçada; calçada; autopista de peatge; forner. carnisser . fuster. cuinar. un forner. un carnisser. un fuster. un cuiner. pagès. bomber. pescador. jardiner. un pagès. un bomber. un pescador. un jardiner. perruqueria. periodista. jutge. advocat. una perruqueria. un periodista. un jutge. un advocat. paleta. mecànic. pintor. lampista. un paleta. un mecànic. un pintor. un lampista. policia. carter. secretari. cantant. un policia. un carter. una secretària. un cantant. soldat. taxista. professor. cambrer. un soldat. un taxista. un professor. un cambrer. PILOT. enginyer. metge. infermera. un pilot. un enginyer. un metge. una infermera. orfebre. actor. noi lustra-sabates. sastre. un orfebre. un actor. un noi de lluïdes sabates. un sastre. Comptable: una persona que treballa amb els diners i els comptes d'una empresa. Actor/Actriu: una persona que actua en una obra de teatre o una pel·lícula Arquitecte: una persona que dissenya edificis i cases. Astrònom - una persona que estudia les estrelles i l'univers Autor - Escriuen llibres o novel·les. Forner: fan pa i pastissos i normalment treballen en una fleca. Paleta - una persona que ajuda a construir cases amb maons. Conductor d'autobús: una persona que condueix autobusos. Carnisser - una persona que treballa amb carn. Tallen la carn i la venen a la seva botiga. Fuster: una persona que fa coses amb fusta, incloses cases i mobles. Xef/Cuiner: una persona que preparava menjar per als altres, sovint en un restaurant o cafeteria. Netejador: una persona que neteja/ordena una àrea o un lloc (com ara una oficina) Dentista: una persona que pot solucionar els problemes que tens amb les teves dents. Dissenyador: una persona que té la feina de dissenyar coses. Metge: una persona a qui vas a veure quan estàs malalt o tens algun tipus de problema de salut. Recollidor de pols/recollidor d'escombraries: una persona que recull les escombraries/escombraries dels contenidors del carrer. Electricista: una persona que treballa amb circuits elèctrics. Enginyer: una persona que desenvolupa solucions a problemes tècnics. De vegades dissenyen, construeixen o mantenen motors, màquines, estructures o obres públiques. Treballador de fàbrica: una persona que treballa en una fàbrica. Pagès - una persona que treballa en una granja, generalment amb animaals. Bomber/Bombers: una persona que apaga focs. Pescador: una persona que captura peixos Floristeria - una persona que treballa amb flors. Jardiner: una persona que manté els jardins nets i ordenats. Tenen cura de les plantes del jardí. Perruqueria: et tallen els cabells o li donen un nou estil. Periodista: una persona que fa nous informes per escrit o per televisió. Jutge: una persona qualificada que decideix casos en un tribunal judicial. Advocat: una persona que defensa les persones davant dels tribunals i dóna assessorament legal. Professor: una persona que imparteix conferències, normalment a una universitat. Bibliotecari: una persona que treballa en una biblioteca. Socorrista: una persona que salva vides on la gent neda (a la platja o a la piscina). Mecànic: persona que repara màquines, especialment motors d'automòbils. Model - una persona (generalment atractiva) que treballa en la moda, modelant roba i accessoris. Lector de notícies: una persona que llegeix les notícies, normalment a la televisió. Infermera: una persona capacitada per ajudar un metge a tenir cura dels malalts o ferits. Òptic: una persona que revisa els teus ulls i intenta corregir qualsevol problema amb la teva vista. Pintor: una persona que pinta quadres o l'interior i l'exterior dels edificis. Farmacèutic: una persona qualificada que treballa i dispensa medicaments. Fotògraf: una persona que fa fotos. Pilot: una persona que pilota un avió. Lampista: una persona que repara els vostres sistemes d'aigua o canonades. Polític: persona que treballa en política. Policia/Dona policia: membre del cos policial. Intenten (i) prevenir el crim. Carter: una persona que lliura el correu a casa teva. Agent de béns arrels: una persona que guanya diners amb la venda de terres per a desenvolupament. Recepcionista: una persona que es troba a la recepció (entrada) d'una empresa. Científic: una persona que treballa a la indústria de la ciència. Fan molts experiments. Secretari: una persona emprada en una oficina que escriu cartes, manté registres, etc. Ajudant de botiga: una persona que treballa en una botiga o botiga venent productes. Soldat - una persona que treballa per a l'exèrcit. Sastre: una persona que fa roba per a altres, moltes vegades produint peces de roba exclusives. Taxista: una persona que condueix un taxi. Mestre: una persona que transmet coneixements als estudiants, normalment a l'escola. Traductor: una persona que tradueix d'un idioma a un altre. Vigilant de trànsit: una persona que patrulla zones per comprovar que la gent no estaciona al lloc equivocat. Agent de viatges: una persona que organitza i ven vacances i vols per a altres. Metge veterinari (Vet): una persona qualificada que té cura d'animals malalts. Cambrer/cambrera: una persona que treballa en un punt de venda d'aliments, cuidant els clients i servint menjar. Netejador de finestres: una persona que neteja finestres, normalment les finestres d'edificis grans. Comptadors Tenir cura de les finances d'una organització. Treballen en una oficina. Forners Cuinar pa. Treballen en una fleca. Barberes Afaitar la barbe dels homes i tallar els cabells dels homes. Treballen en un barber. Barmans/Dones Serveixen begudes. Treballen en un bar, pub o restaurant. Carnissers Elaboren i venen carn. Treballen en una carnisseria. Cambreres Habitacions netes i ordenades. Treballen en un hotel. Els cuiners preparen i cuinen els aliments. Treballen en una cuina. Els dentistes Cuiden les dents de les persones. Treballen en un dentista. Els metges vetllen per la salut de les persones. Treballen en un hospital o cirurgia. Peixateria Elaboració i venda de peix. Treballen en una peixateria. Assistents de vol Tenen cura dels passatgers. Treballen en un avió (avió AmE). Perruqueries Tallar i estilitzar els cabells de la gent. Treballen en una perruqueria. Jutges Jutge i condemna la gent. Treballen en un jutjat. Advocats Defensar i processar persones. Treballen en un jutjat i en un despatx d'advocats. Infermeres Cuidar pacients. Treballen en un hospital o consulta mèdica. Òptics Tenen cura de la vista de les persones. Treballen en una òptica. Els porters porten les bosses i l'equipatge d'altres persones. Treballen en un hotel o estació de tren. Recepcionistes Coneix i saluda els visitants. Treballen a recepció. Auxiliars de vendes Venen mercaderies i tenen cura dels clients. Treballen en una botiga. Secretaris Organitzar cites, escriure cartes i organitzar reunions. Treballen en una oficina. Els cirurgians operen a persones malaltes. Treballen en un hospital. Sastres Dissenyen, confeccionen, modifiquen o reparen peces de vestir, treballen en fàbriques i comerços. Mestres Ensenyar a la gent. Treballen en una escola. Tècnics Organitzar i reparar equips tècnics. Treballen a tot arreu! Veterinaris Tenir cura dels animals de les persones. Treballen en una cirurgia veterinària o veterinaris. Cambrers/cambreres Serveixen menjar i beguda a la gent. Treballen en un restaurant. Soldadors Soldar metalls per fer coses. Treballen a les fàbriques i a la construcció. actriu / actor / arquitecte / cantant dentista / detectiu / escriptor / pagès infermera / pilot / enginyer / comptable carnisser / caixer / barber / fuster socorrista /forner / electricista / assistent de vol lampista / / recepcionista / investigador científic / advocat / conductor d'autobús / dissenyador periodista / fotògraf / músic / pintor florist / auxiliar de vendes / mecànic / model dependent de botiga / polític / traductor / carter perruquer / taxista / farmacèutic / mainadera agent de viatges / netejador / biòloga / empresaria empresari / ballarí / jardiner / meteoròleg programador / guia de viatge / venedora / venedor. 1. temps 2. any 3. persones 4. manera 5. dia 6. home 7. cosa 8. dona 9. vida 10. nen 11. món 12. escola 13. estat 14. família 15. estudiant 16. grup 17. país 18. problema 19. mà 20. part 21. lloc 22. cas 23. setmana 24. companyia 25. sistema 26. programa 27. pregunta 28. treballar 29. govern 30. nombre 31. nit 32. punt 33. casa 34. aigua 35. habitació 36. mare 37. zona 38. diners 39. història 40. fet 41. mes 42. lot 43. dret 44. estudiar 45. llibre 46. ​​ull 47. feina 48. paraula 49. negocis 50. qüestió 51. costat 52. amable 53. cap 54. casa 55. servei 56. amic 57. pare 58. poder 59. hora 60. joc 61. línia 62. final 63. membre 64. llei 65. cotxe 66. ciutat 67. comunitat 68. nom 69. president 70. equip 71. minut 72. idea 73. nen 74. cos 75. informació 76. esquena 77. pare 78. cara 79. altres 80. nivell 81. oficina 82. porta 83. salut 84. persona 85. art 86. guerra 87. història 88. festa 89. resultat 90. canvi 91. matí 92. raó 93. investigació 94. noia 95. noi 96. moment 97. aire 98. mestre 99. força 100. educació 1. ser 2. tenir 3. fer 4. dir 5. anar 6. pot 7. aconseguir 8. faria 9. fer 10. saber 11. voluntat 12. pensar 13. prendre 14. veure 15. vine 16. podria 17. voler 18. mira 19. utilitzar 20. trobar 21. donar 22. dir 23. treballar 24. maig 25. hauria 26. trucar 27. provar 28. preguntar 29. necessitat 30. sentir 31. esdevenir 32. marxar 33. posar 34. significar 35. mantenir 36. deixar 37. començar 38. semblar 39. ajuda 40. parlar 41. torn 42. començar 43. podria 44. mostrar 45. escoltar 46. ​​jugar 47. córrer 48. moure's 49. com 50. viu 51. creure 52. aguantar 53. portar 54. passar 55. cal 56. escriure 57. proporcionar 58. seure 59. estar 60. perdre 61. pagar 62. conèixer 63. incloure 64. continuar 65. conjunt 66. aprendre 67. canvi 68. plom 69. entendre 70. rellotge 71. segueix 72. parar 73. crear 74. parlar 75. llegir 76. permetre 77. afegir 78. gastar 79. créixer 80. obert 81. caminar 82. guanyar 83. oferta 84. recorda 85. amor 86. considerar 87. aparèixer 88. comprar 89. espera 90. servir 91. morir 92. enviar 93. esperar 94. construir 95. quedar-se 96. caiguda 97. tallar 98. arribar 99. matar 100. romandre 1 ser sóc, som, és era, estaven sent jo 2 he tingut haver tingut 3 faig fa fet fet jo 4 diu diu diu diu dient vaig 5 vaig va anava anat / vaig anant vaig 6 aconsegueixo aconsegueix aconseguir aconseguir 7 fa que fa fet que fa 8 que se sap que que que que que que que que 9 que que pense que que pensa que que pensa que que jo 10 que ho prens que es va prendre jo 11 que veig que veig que veig que veig que jo 12 que venia que venia que venia que venia que 13 vull volia volem volem voler R 14 utilitzar usos utilitzat utilitzant R 15 trobar troba trobat trobant I 16 donar dóna donat donant I 17 diu diu dites dit dient I 18 treball treballa funcionat funciona treballant R 19 truca trucades crida trucada trucada R 20 prova prova provat prova provant R 21 pregunta demana preguntat preguntat preguntant R 22 necessitat necessitats necessàries necessàries necessitant R 23 sentir se sent sentir sentit sentir jo 24 esdevé esdevenir esdevenir esdevenir I 25 deixar deixa deixat deixant sortint I 26 posa posa posa posa posa I 27 significa significa significa significa significa significa 28 manté guarda mantingut mantenint mantenint I 29 let let let let letting I 30 començar b els fets van començar començant I 31 sembla semblar sembla semblar semblant R 32 ajuda ajuda ajuda ajuda ajuda ajuda R 33 mostra espectacles mostra mostra mostra I 34 escolta escolta escolta escolta escolta I 35 jugades jugades jugades jugant jugant R 36 córrer corre córrer córrer corrent I 37 moviments es va traslladar es va traslladar es va mudar R 38 viuen les vides van viure la vida es van viure R 39 creuen les creuen les creuen les creuen les R 40 porta les porta porta les portes 1. altres 2. nou 3. bo 4. alt 5. vell 6. genial 7. gran 8. Americà 9. petit 10. gran 11. nacional 12. jove 13. diferents 14. negre 15. llarg 16. poc 17. important 18. polític 19. dolent 20. blanc 21. real 22. millor 23. dret 24. social 25. només 26. públic 27. segur 28. baix 29. primerenca 30. capaç 31. humà 32. local 33. tard 34. dur 35. major 36. millor 37. econòmic 38. fort 39. possible 40. sencer 41. lliure 42. militar 43. cert 44. federal 45. internacional 46. ​​ple 47. especial 48. fàcil 49. clar 50. recent 51. cert 52. personal 53. obert 54. vermell 55. difícil 56. disponible 57. probable 58. curt 59. solter 60. mèdic 61. actual 62. malament 63. privat 64. passat 65. estranger 66. bé 67. comú 68. pobre 69. natural 70. significatiu 71. semblant 72. calent 73. mort 74. central 75. feliç 76. greu 77. llest 78. senzill 79. esquerra 80. físic 81. general 82. ambiental 83. financer 84. blau 85. democràtic 86. fosc 87. diversos 88. sencer 89. tancar 90. legal 91. religiosa 92. fred 93. final 94. principal 95. verd 96. agradable 97. enorme 98. popular 99. tradicional 100. cultural físic corporal carnal material carnal corporal actual somàtic substancial sensual tangible animal concret terrenal mortal real biològic brut humà natural normal orgànic no espiritual mundanal temporal terrestre secular terrenal base sublunar terrestre sensible nascut a la terra no espiritual anatòmic materialista visceral carnós objectiu fenomenal brut laic encarnat brutal instintiu millor instintiu profà factual sòlid terrós veritable palpable vil sòrdid no espiritual perceptible tel·lúric viu en la carn funcional fisiològic tàctil bàsic primal no eclesiàstic genètic biotic biòtic sensorial laic no religiós fisiològic no religiós impío pràctic quantificable visible mesurable apreciable cinestèsic íntim personal d'aquest món intuïtiu mamífer innatiu salvatge baix en persona tel·lúric animal subconscient bèstia indómita geòtic uncelestial global quotidià al·luvial terraqui apetitiu groller inculte inhumà subhumà sense refinat bèstia i en tota la creació sota el sol existent genuïna veridic no fictici legítim no fictici intrínsec vàlid indubtable actual històric unimaginari substantiu efectiu inimaginat viure irrefutable firma de facto encarnat positiu legítim so present existent evident dinkum sensual lasciva eròtica lascivia carnal lascivia libidinosa lasciva llicenciosa lasciva alegre apassionat sexual sexy calent vaporós carnal impúdica disbauxa física excitant animal corporal corporal sensual hedonista deliciós epicuri sibarític seductor luxós exuberant excitant pesat poc espiritual voluptuari animalista apetitós apetitós i graciós diònii calent i graciós grossa voluptuosa lascivo lascivo veneri lubriciós vulgar impur profan bestial somàtic corporal amorós material genital obscè descarat cru indecent pornogràfic brut blau embruixat desagradable pornografia vestidors desagradable escombraries brut ofensiu imprintable canaló cérvol immoral suggeridor escandalós fora de color brut malvat nord-americà mentalitat de nucli suau fora de colorRegne Unit llibertí ràpid i baix orgiàstic incontinent concupiscent excitat degenerat dissolut depravat dissipat entremaliat promiscu abandonat decadent malvat cabret solt lubricant intemperat satíric hipersexual picor i llepat desitjós picant terrós difusor incontrolable incontrolat pecador reproductor sense frenar corrupte pervertit pervertit excitant procreador réprob sense restriccions oscil·lant amoral indisciplinat sense moral sense principis laxo relaxat escabrous desordenat insalubre groller immodest afrodisíac erògena ràpida erògena ràpida inseguretat poc saludable laxa ràpida i poc saludable i solt insípid descuidador estimulant de baixet de raça baixa de sang erògena atrevit joc explícit porno per a adults afruitat porno de coll aspre resistent a prop de l'artillet escatològic a prop de l'os escatològic a la canaleta barat de mala ment afrodisíac pervertit Rabelaisian veneri sexual sexualment excitant sexualment porpra genitiva sexual excitant sexual excitant sexualment estimulant i poc virtuós hircine llop calent al trot mortal humà carnal corporal corporal físic corporal mundanal terrenal perible temporal nascut a la terra efímer impermanent transitòria sublunar criatura animar bípede evanescent esvair finit fràgil fugaç momentània precari feble nascut a la terra ecce homo carnal biològic somàtic orgànic carn i ossa humanista cos anatòmic material funcional estructural anatòmic viure viu respirar animar existent viu en moviment encarnat ràpid orgànic sensible actiu animat biològic corporal existent vital animat vigorós calent tenir vida viva i donant peus a la carn entre els vius a la terra dels vius conscient biòtic conscient despert biològic alerta natural vegetal existent vida animal viable mortal basat en carboni química bioquímica zoètica funcionament supervivent dempeus carn i sang en existència florent dinàmica subsistir energètica creixent cel·lular no mort amebiana basal anatòmic plasmàtic sintètic botànic sintetitzat EUA actínic alquímic sintètic enzimàtic sapient botànic zoològic zoològic sensació intintel·ligent, conscient de si mateix, sintetitzat de carn i ossos, capaç de sentir completament totalment totalment totalment amb força força força poderosa violentament físicament totalment absolutament col·lectivament corporalment totalment amb força en massa com a cos com a grup materialment en realitat corporalment mundana objectivament palpable físicament ponderablement molt sensiblement tangible pel que fa a la matèria carnal carnalment corporalment materialista sensualment somàticament animal mundanament material concretament substancialment sòlidament sòlidament temporalment terrestre perceptiblement secularment mesurablement quantificable visiblement factualment apreciable fenomenalment orgànicament humanament orgànicament orgànicament humanament tàctilment orgànicament tàctilment globalment orgànicament tàctilment globalment orgànic visceralment carnós brutalment fisiològicament normalment brutalment bestialment vivaç instintivament sòrdidament vilment vàlidament genuïnament instintivament no religiós legítimament positivament cinestèsic pràcticament funcionalment legítim civilment genèticament biòticament sensorialment notablement humilment laicament realista tàctilment implacablement íntimment intuïtivament honestament íntimament intuïtivament intuïtivament honestament íntimment intuïtivament intuïtivament coempíticment ferotgement intuïtivament intuïtivament intuïtivament intuïtivament coempíticment ferotgement autòcton ely sense refinar inhumanament subhumanament intrínsecament verídic indubtablement viu històricament substancialment eficaç actualment evidentment irrefutablement ferm amb raó en l'actualitat sòlidament força amb força agressivitat vigorosament dinàmicament energèticament poderós amb força aproximadament vigorosament violentament assertiu explosivament ferm amb força fortament vigorosament rodó rígid fortament vigorosament zelós fort poderosament muscular amb força amb força intensament ferotge activament amb força i principal ferotgement ànims ferotgement enèrgicament enèrgicament rígidment rígidment apassionadament apassionadament apassionadament venjada amb força gangbusters amb força robusta amb entusiasme aguda per vèncer la banda de manera viciosa i furiosa intensament intensament ampollador extremadament aclaparadorament molt vivaç agudament seriosament amb ganes enèrgicament amb coratge poderosament rigorosament contundent contundentment contundentment devastadorment durament decididament salvatgement brutalment aclaparadorament aclaparadorament aclaparadorament aclaparador amb determinació brutalment aclaparadorament aclaparador brutalment aclaparador amb determinació brutalment aclaparadorament aclaparadorament aclaparadorament aclaparadora ardentment fervent profundament vivaçment influent brillantment racial balneari nkingly coercitivament flamingly consumingly unbridledly infatigablement rabiosament amb poder tot d'una important snappily sense embuts perkily airosament animately profundament bouncingly acovardit pertly elàsticament amb soltesa alegrement jazzily tempestuosa convincent significativament enterprisingly terriblement magnificència terriblement terriblement audaçment sense fre exquisidament incontrolada forçadament heftily i empeny amb bogeria espantosa frenèticament com un boig com bojos concentrada zestfully horriblement dràsticament atronadorment infernalment temiblement amb gran esforç cinèticament eficaçment temiblement desmesuradament tremendament febrilment febril intensament vibrant vibrant excessivament tòrridament incansablement mossegadament durament crudament titànicament pesadament reveladora decididament fervorosament tumultuós amenaçador amenaçador amenaçador amenaçador incansablement amenaçador incansablement amenaçador incansablement incansablement incansablement excitant incansablement incansablement excitant incansablement incansablement agitat bulliciosament difícilment estimulantment matonament seriós habitualment extremadament entusiasme demostrativament fanàticament perfervídment frenèticament cruelment perjudicialment perjudicialment marcadament tan dur com sigui possible, tempestuosament tempestuós, vívid incontrolablement, elementalment autoritat, desenfrenat tan dur com es pot, rígidament, dolorós, brillantor, calorós, incandescentment, sense fresc, ple d'incandescència, sense fresc, de manera intel·ligent fins a un martell intensament apassionant i apassionant de manera intel·ligent i religiosament impetuosa amb energia alegrement incansablement incansablement amb totes les parades demoníacament sense consentiment amb tota la força pungent i ferm amb coratge amb orgull sobtadament sobtadament magnèticament fort sincerament positivament sense ceremoniosament ràfegues emocionadament molt dur molt dur incondicionalment cinemàticament fatalment letalment cruelment opressiument a consciència messianicament a conscienciament a consciència assídua a consciència a consciència i a consciència messiàticament sedàmica. incontrolablement immoderada extraordinàriament enormement concertada excepcionalment persistentment ciclònicament mortal sense concessió críticament desesperadament convulsivament urgentment enfurismadament enfurismadament enfurismat majoritàriament dramàticament entretingudament amb perseverança amb l'aplicació sense qualificacions estretament tumultuosament paroxísticament escandalosament volcànicament amb la màxima força amb la màxima força amb tot el que s'ha tingut tota la força amb tot el que s'ha arribat a tota velocitat sexyment altíssima tallant brutalment penetrant brutalment penetrant físicament penetrant intensament intensament penetrant honestament, directament dent i ungles plana i fluida unspamb contundència francament invencible indomablement rigorosament estrictament draconianament poder i principal alegrement engrescadorament entusiasme amb totes les forces distintivament agria commovedor intel·ligentment tangily juganer enginyós esportivament brillantment picant amb gust ricament condemnatoriment intimidant amb totes les forces amb totes les forces ambiciós ambiciós amb tota mena d'impostos ambiciós i pertorbador de manera contundent combatre amb tots els impostos ambiciósment ambiciós ambiciós de manera contundent i contundent. murderously bloodthirstily berserkly strengthfully èxit controllingly eficient rulingly autoritàriament sense pietat impressionant virulentament truculència amb severitat succintament persuasivament volatilely convincent roaringly convincentment absurd maníac pugnaciously insensiblement decididament inamovible força crucial florecientemente electrificantemente bàrbarament bàrbarament pietat pietat amb sadisme visible de manera segura sense moviment duradora inconmoviblemente enlluernadora cor dashingly bustlingly efervescent inhumanament menys homicidament homicidament, frenèticament, de color, de color, britànic, excitant, agitant, colorit, EUA, virilement sòlid, ràpid, completament estable, sòlid, fixament, durador, substancialment inflexible, sòlidament estret, cap, histèricament, boig, fumant, agitat, saltant, pròsper, enfeinat, radiant, radiant, vibrant, sense propòsit, amb una roca sense propòsit, sense vibració, sense problemes, amb una roca sense propòsit, sense vibració, amb una roca sense problemes. afany amb gran vigor per a tots els que val la pena per a una vida estimada com el dos com es pot fer grans armes al màxim de les seves habilitats com el negoci de ningú com si passa de moda amb corretges fornides fornides fornides fornides ronques buffly fitly fornides fornides fornides atlèticament gruixudes inflexiblement resistentment carnós fiablement gruixut tot indestructiblement molt imperiblement resistentment ràpida dumply irrompiblement tossudament aceradament agazapada fiablement tontosa inquebrantablement sana i fermesa tenaçment difusament duradora impenet ment bell estanca invulnerably adamantinely fatly bloomingly inexpugnablemente finament fleshily plumply unimpairedly en gran mesura sense dubte unassailably indestructible trimly àmpliament massivament implacablement veritablement poc sense problemes eternament manlily fidedignament perdurably chubbily compacta fidelment concretament inviolable constantment paunchily immutable tenaçment portlily trustily indefectiblement obstinadament corpulently inalterablement responsable invariablement de forma permanent sense desmais unmalleably hàbilment buxomly normalment estanca obdurately calculable rootedly honourablyUK honorablyUS en congelació unblemishedly pudgily densament ininterrompudament cohesivamente pétreamente faultlessly sol propòsit impecablement amb perseverança lleialtat flabbily infal·liblement ininterrompudament tibada esportivament rotundament inflexiblement tenaçment tubbily rotundly grittily hermèticament amb raó sizeably untroubledly regularment imponent indissolublement manfully àmpliament intrèpidament àgilment àgilment àgilment togetherly enormement diminutivamente brau masculinel i unshakenly grandiosament incorruptiblemente cavernously infrangibly lumberingly colossalment stodgily gegantina assenyadament en integritat inviolately leanly youngly dourly indubtablement foolproofly ajustadament butchly sense afectació dwarfishly saludablement hàbilment inexpugnably stuntedly certament unpliably impassible reputably pertinaçment slimly grollerament gargantuanly intransigentment irreprimiblemente perfectament estacionària bullheadedly rockily implacablement àmpliament grollerament tesa estàticament sense sentimentalismes sensiblement chipperly insistentment salutiferously competentment refractorily compressedly inelàstica repelentemente tossudament valentament verdós inexorablement unshakingly unmovingly porkily podgily obesely dur sense ajuda stoutheartedly swollenly pursily unmoveably pacientment importunament equably dimensionalment intrèpidament possessivament agosaradament compactedly aventurer eternament undyingly sizably generosament voluminós ordenadament abidingly immortal perpètuament undisturbedly venturously audaçment adventuresomely nervily amb valor perennement interminablement útilment sobriament interminablement inextinguiblement inextinguiblement inextinguiblement inextinguiblement significatiu materialment indeleble inalterablement arriscat imprudentment temeràriament valentament temeràriament temeràriament exageradament audaçment realment històricament substancialment conseqüentment respectablement valuós momentàniament monumentalment valuós momentàniament principalment útilment abundantment immensament irrefragablement abundantment immensament útilment abundantment immensament abundant immensament útil. en la carn viure físicament encarnat en persona a la vida real en forma corporal a la vida real davant els ulls d'un en realitat davant d'un en forma humana davant els mateixos ulls en la pròpia presència en la pròpia persona personalment tan gran com la vida sense cap intermediari directe. -à-tête cara a cara de manera personal directament un mateix per un mateix manualment cabell de gorra de bola barret boina passador arc clip de papallona escuradents elàstic ploma fmés baix Clip de cabell forquilla barret diadema mocador al cap mocador cinta bufanda scrunchie pinta lateral clip de pressió banda de suor tiara Lligar de nou bonic raspallat amb classe net pentinat humit brut degoteig avorrit elegant envejable de moda brut preciosa greixós saludable deliciós brillant nodrits brillant cantada taca remullat netejada elegant suat de moda vibrant voluminosa humit bufat pentinat pentinat fet net llest per a la pista domesticat endreçat ben cuidat marró cendra castanyada negre ros blanquejat Ros blau blavosa ampolla rossa marró morena Borgonya brunyit castanya courejat fosc lli gingebre ros daurat gris verd mel negre atzabeja llum ratolí multicolor rossa natural taca d'oli ombre ros peròxid rosa platí porpra arc de Sant Martí corb vermell sal i pebre plata rossa maduixa ratllat besats pel sol ratllada de sol ros blat blanc groc groguenc en cascada longitud de la barbeta tancament retallat retallat longitud de l'orella que flueix llarg longitud mitja llarg mig de l'esquena longitud del coll curt llarg de les espatlles longitud del coxis rastrejant amplada de la cintura afro una línia en angle asimètrics serrell rusc Despuntar bob bufant tall de bol trenat trenes raspallat l'esquena monyo brunzit part central xignon picat entrecortat retallat bobines pentinar rínxols de llevataps blats de moro tall de la tripulació arrissat rastes cua d'ànec emo extensions enquadrament de la cara emplomat trena de cua de peix part superior plana volar lluny trenes franceses gir francès serrell Jheri curl doblegat en capes capes llargues solta tall militar mohawk mullet natural patges es va separar coles rínxols de pin pixie trenat pompadour cua de cavall Rasta cua de rata ratllat trossos cormora afaitat part lateral lliscat punxada punxegut espirals primaveral apilades redreçat arrossegat enrere escombrat cap al costat escombrat burlat topknot retallat retorçat retallat amunt updo trenes en cascada teixir falca ales embolicat exuberant esquitxada escassa filós espés prim voluminosa feble llana cos inflable eriçada trencadís arbustiu gruixuda cruixent delicat pelut bé plana esponjosa encrespat borrosa brillant lanc coix apagat exuberant luxós mitjà bolquer cap cos inflat aspre setinat sedós pulcre llis suau enganxós rígid recte semblant a la palla flexible palpable vellutat ondulat cabells ramificats a capacitat capaç Sobre a dalt acceptar segons compte a través de actuar acció activitat en realitat afegir adreça Administració admetre adult afectar després de nou en contra edat agència agent fa acordar acord endavant aire tots permetre gairebé sol al llarg ja també encara que sempre americà entre quantitat anàlisi i animal un altre resposta cap ningú qualsevol cosa apareixer aplicar enfocament zona argumentar braç al voltant arribar art article artista com preguntar assumir a les atac atenció advocat públic autor autoritat disponible evitar lluny nadó esquena dolent bossa pilota banc bar base ser batre bonic perquè convertir-se en llit abans començar comportament darrere creure benefici millor millor entre més enllà gran factura mil milions bit negre sang blau pissarra cos llibre nascut tots dos Caixa noi trencar portar germà pressupost construir edifici negocis però comprar per anomenada càmera campanya llauna càncer candidat capital cotxe targeta cura carrera portar Caixa agafar causa cel·la centre central segle cert sens dubte cadira desafiament oportunitat canvi personatge carregar comprovar nen elecció triar Església ciutadà ciutat civil reclamació classe clar clarament Tanca entrenador refredat col · lecció la universitat color vine comercial comú comunitat empresa comparar ordinador preocupació condició conferència Congrés considerar consumidor contenir 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Mouth. Chin. Neck. Shoulder. Arm. Upper arm. Elbow. Forearm. Armpit. Back. Chest. Waist. Abdomen. Buttocks. Hip. Leg. Thigh. Knee. Calf. finger. Wrist. Fingernail. nail. Palm. Forehead. Ear. Cheek. Nose. Nostril. Jaw. Beard. Mustache. Tongue. Tooth. brace. Lip. the eye. Eyebrow. Eyelashes. Eyelid. one eyelid. single eyelid. Muscle family Dad. daddy. Mom. mommy. Sis. My young boy. boy. Son. boy. Daughter. babe. honey. dear. Darling. Sweetie. Mrs. Ms. Miss. Mr. lady and gentlemen. madam. sir. dr. Buddy or Bud. Pal. mate. Grandparents. Grandfather. Grandmother. Aunt. Uncle. Cousin. Father-in-law. Mother-in-law. Sister-in-law. Brother-in-law. Parents. Stepparent. Step parent. Sibling. father. mother. Spouse. Husband. Wife. Child. Children. Daughter. Stepfather. Step father. Stepmother. Step mother. Ex-husband. Ex husband. Ex-wife. Ex wife. Half-brother. Half brother. Step brother. Stepbrother. Half-sister. Half sister. Step sister. Stepsister. Older brother. Older sister. Grandchildren. Grand children. Granddaughter. Grand daughter. Grandson. Grand son. Nephew. Niece. Single parent. Extended family. Nuclear. Immediate. only. Dysfunctional. broken. Adoptive parents. Close to. Get along with. Admire. Rely on. Look after. Bring up. Age difference. Distant relative. Carefree childhood. Troubled childhood. Divorce. Bitter divorce. Make up. Fall out. Tell off. Get together. Get on with. get along with somebody. Have something in common. Take after. Give birth to. Get married to sb. Take care of. Look after. Grow up. Bring up. Cousin. Great. Great-uncle. Great-aunt. Bastard. Orphan. Bachelorette. Bachelor. Spintster. Widower. Widow. Folks. Kinsman. Kinswoman. Fraternity. Brotherhood. godfather. god father. godmother. god mother. adopted child. Rooms inside the House. Chimney. Heater. Air conditioner. Ceiling fan. Fire escape. Elevator. Den. Mudroom. Powder room. Basement. Attic. Vestibule / foyer. Radiator. Roof. Roof tiles. House plant. Hallway. Buzzer. Poster. Bedroom : bed. Twin. King-sized. Bunk. Mattress. Blanket. Duvet / comforter. Pillow. Pillow case. Lamp. Nightstand / bed stand. Closet. Dresser. Wardrobe. Vanity. Window. Window frame. Windowpane. Window sill. Curtain. Coat hangers. Alarm clock. Office / study : Pen. Pencil. Markers. Paper clips. Tape. Highlighter. Eraser. Sticky notes. Labels. Scissors. Printer. Desk. Bookshelf / bookcase. Drawers. Chair. Rocking chair. Grandfather clock. Picture frames. Desktop / PC Laptop. Outlet. Extension cord. Stationery. Globe. Living Room Vocabulary : Carpet. Rug. Sofa / couch. Coffee table. Television / TV. TV stand. Side table. Fireplace. Fire iron / poker. Firewood. Futon / pull-out sofa / sofa-bed. Bean bag. Speakers. Home theater. Bathroom: Bath and shower. Toilet. Beauty regime. Etiquette. Sink. Faucet. Mirror. Bathtub. Shower stall. Shower head. Shower curtain. Tiles. Toothbrush. Toothpaste. Floss. Mouthwash. Shampoo. Conditioner. Soap / body wash. Loofah. Washcloth. Towel. Towel rack. Drain. Toilet. Plunger. Bidet. Kitchen : Cupboard / cabinet. Counter / countertop. Oven. Stove / stovetop. Burner. Microwave. Island. Silverware. Utensil. Pot. Pan. Rice cooker. Slow cooker. Toaster. Toaster oven. Blender. Whisk. Tongs. Chopsticks. Refrigerator / fridge / icebox. Magnets. Freezer. Minifridge. Groceries. Garbage disposal. Trash can / rubbish bin. Compost bin. Bread box. Pipes. Plates / dishes. Glasses / cups. Mug. Dish soap. Sponge. Dishwasher. Stool. Dining room : Dining table. Placemats. Coasters. Centerpiece. Candles. Chandelier. Front entrance : Front door. Doorbell. Welcome mat. Porch. Porchlight. Mailbox. Lock. Curb. Garden Vocabulary List: Fence. Gate. Lawn. Lawnmower. Garden. Vegetable patch. Sprinklers. Hose. Shed. Garage. Driveway. Shovel. Snowblower. Rake. Swing. Treehouse. Patio. Firepit. Hot tub / jacuzzi. Gravel. Laundry room: Washer. Dryer. Detergent. Laundry basket. Clothesline. Dryer screen. Garage: Car. in the car. motorcycle. bike. Electric Car. vans. carman. truck. container truck. ambulance. car police. Hall. Utility room. Shed. Loft. Attic. Cellar. Basement. Landing. Hall. Porch. Pantry or larder. Terrace or patio. Study. Balcony. Games room. Game play. Wine cellar. Shed. Library. Tree house. Greenhouse. Attic. Loft. Spare room. nursery. panic room. wine cellar. mud room. conservator room. Types of houses / Places Where People Live : House. Detached house. Semi detached house. Apartment (UK usually flat). Terraced house. Cottage. Bungalow. Bedsit. Villa. Time share. Remote control. plug-in-and-power-point. Power point. Plug. television. Armchair. chair. Dining table. door. Door handle. table mat. Wardrobe. bed. Bedside table. mirror. Carpet. curtain. Drawer. cupboard. Towel. bookshelf. Vase. places : airport. mall. bakery. museum. bank. library. bar. parking lot bookstore / book shop. pharmacy / drugstore. bus station. police station. butcher's. café. church. post office. court. department store. pub. cinema / movies. park. service station. gym. restaurant. hairdresser's. school. hospital. gallery. train station, railway station. greengrocer's. supermarket. grocer's, grocery store. jail, prison. zoo. laundromat, launderette. in the plane. museum; movie theater; factory; plant; department; fire department; city hall; town hall; prison; jail; Educational facilities : nursery school; kindergarten; elementary school; high school; school; college; institute; university; academy; medical school; law school; business school; vocational school; trade school; technical school; music school; beauty parlor; beauty salon; beauty shop; Hair care, skin care : hair salon; hairdresser's; barber shop; Services and repair : laundry; laundromat; dry cleaner's; automobile repair shop; auto repair shop; car repair shop; service station; garage; bicycle repair shop; computer repair shop; home repair shop; locksmith's shop. massage parlor; solarium. library; campus; dormitory; day-care center; day camp; summer camp. church; cathedral; temple; chapel; mosque; synagogue. expensive hotel; moderate hotel; inexpensive hotel; cheap hotel; hotel amenities; hotel facilities; business center; restaurant; playground; fitness facilities; exercise facilities; fitness center; exercise room; swimming pool. restaurant; cafeteria; cafe; lunchroom; luncheonette; coffee shop; tearoom; snack bar; eating place; eating house; diner; eatery; canteen; grillroom; pizzeria; milk bar; health club; fitness center; gym; tennis club; golf club; country club; sports area; recreation area; sports ground; playground; campground; football ground; basketball ground; tennis court; golf course; swimming pool; skating rink; boxing ring; wrestling ring; racetrack; racecourse; football field; stadium; sports arena. waiting room; consulting room; hospital ward; emergency room; operating room; the ambulance; maternity hospital; maternity home; nursing home; pharmacy; drugstore. Sports facilities : health club; fitness center; gym; tennis club; golf club; country club; football ground; basketball ground; tennis court; golf course; swimming pool; skating rink; boxing ring; wrestling ring; racetrack; racecourse; sports area; recreation area; sports ground; playground; campground; Health facilities hospital; clinic; polyclinic; health center; hospital clinic; dental clinic; the dentist's; outpatient clinic; outpatients' department; ambulatory surgical center; surgery department; football field; stadium; sports arena. boardinghouse (boarding house); bed and board; bed and breakfast; deluxe hotel; luxury hotel; five-star hotel; four-star hotel; three-star hotel; downtown hotel; small hotel; large hotel; old hotel; rundown hotel; hotel; inn; motel; lodge; youth hostel; residential hotel; lodging; lodgings; lodging house; rooming house; guesthouse (guest house); country inn; camping area; campsite; residential district; residential area (neighborhood; quarter); industrial quarter; street; road; avenue; alley; boulevard; lane; drive; route; thoroughfare; place; location; site; locality; vicinity; environment; surroundings. big city; large city; small town; densely populated city; bus stop; bus station; bus terminal; taxi stop; subway station; subway entrance; house; small house; large house; brick house; brownstone; wooden house; apartment house; block of flats (BrE); residential building; three-story house; four-storied house; multistory building; row house; cottage; cabin; bungalow; hut; lodge; log cabin; parking lot; curb parking; to park at the curb; parking meter; garage; train station; railroad station; railway station; airport; gas station; filling station; petrol station. city center; downtown; suburb; outskirts; slums; ghetto; region; district; neighborhood; borough; block; city limits; city; town; capital; metropolis; village; hamlet; settlement; port; resort; castle; palace; villa; estate; mansion; manor house; fortress; town house; country house; summer house; farmhouse; ranch house; office building; concrete-steel building; glass building; brick building; skyscraper; high rise; tower; elevator building; walk-up (walk-up building). health resort; seaside resort; winter resort; mountain resort; ski resort; highway; speedway; expressway; freeway; parkway; causeway; turnpike; baker. butcher . carpebter. cook. a baker. a butcher. a carpenter. a cook. farmer. fireworker. fisherman. gardener. a farmer. a fireman. a fisherman. a gardener. hairdresser. journalist. judge. lawyer. a hairdresser. a journalist. a judge. a lawyer. mason. mechanic. painter. plumber. a mason. a mechanic. a painter. a plumber. policeman. postman. secretary. singer. a policeman. a postman. a secretary. a singer. soldier. taxidriver. teacher. waiter. a soldier. a taxi driver. a teacher. a waiter. PILOT. engineer. doctor. nurse. a pilot. an engineer. a doctor. a nurse. goldsmith. actor. shoe-shine boy. tailor. a goldsmith. an actor. a shoe-shine boy. a tailor. Accountant - a person that works with the money and accounts of a company. Actor /Actress - a person that acts in a play or a movie Architect - a person that designs building and houses. Astronomer - a person who studies the stars and the universe Author - They write books or novels. Baker - They make bread and cakes and normally work in a bakery. Bricklayer - a person that helps to build houses using bricks. Bus driver - a person that drives buses. Butcher - a person that works with meat. They cut the meat and sell it in their shop. Carpenter - a person that makes things from wood including houses and furniture. Chef/Cook - a person that prepared food for others, often in a restaurant or café. Cleaner - a person that cleans/tidies an area or place (such as in an office) Dentist - a person that can fix problems you have with your teeth. Designer - a person who has the job of designing things. Doctor - a person you go to see when you are ill or have some type of health problem. Dustman/Refuse collector - a person that collects trash/rubbish from bins in the street. Electrician - a person that works with electric circuits. Engineer - a person who develops solutions to technical problems. They sometimes design, build, or maintain engines, machines, structures or public works. Factory worker - a person that works in a factory. Farmer - a person that works on a farm, usually with animals. Fireman/Fire fighter - a person that puts out fires. Fisherman - a person that catches fish Florist - a person that works with flowers. Gardener - a person that keeps gardens clean and tidy. They take care of the plants in the garden. Hairdresser - they cut your hair or give it a new style. Journalist - a person that makes new reports in writing or through television. Judge - a qualified person that decides cases in a law court. Lawyer - a person that defends people in court and gives legal advice. Lecturer - a person that gives lectures, usually in a university. Librarian - a person that works in a library. Lifeguard - a person that saves lives where people swim (at a beach or swimming pool). Mechanic - a person that repairs machines, especially car motors. Model - a (usually attractive) person that works in fashion, modeling clothes and accessories. Newsreader - a person that reads the news, normally on television. Nurse - a person trained to help a doctor look after the sick or injured. Optician - a person that checks your eyes and try and correct any problems with your sight. Painter - a person that paints pictures or the interior and exterior of buildings. Pharmacist - a qualified person that works with and dispenses medicine. Photographer - a person that takes photos. Pilot - a person who flies a plane. Plumber - a person that repairs your water systems or pipes. Politician - a person who works in politics. Policeman/Policewoman - a member of the police force. They (try and) prevent crime. Postman - a person that delivers mail to your house. Real estate agent - a person that makes money from selling land for development. Receptionist - a person that is at the reception (entrance) of a company. Scientist - a person that works in the science industry. They do many experiments. Secretary - a person employed in an office who types letters, keeps records etc. Shop assistant - a person that works in a shop or store selling products. Soldier - a person who works for the army. Tailor - a person that makes clothes for others, many times producing exclusive items of clothing. Taxi driver - a person who drives a taxi. Teacher - a person that passes knowledge to students, usually at school. Translator - a person that translates from one language to another. Traffic warden - a person that patrols areas to check that people do not park in the wrong place. Travel agent - a person that organises and sells holidays and flights for others. Veterinary doctor (Vet) - a qualified person that looks after sick animals. Waiter/Waitress - a person that works in a food outlet, looking after customers and serving food. Window cleaner - a person that cleans windows, normally the windows of big buildings. Accountants Look after the finances in an organisation. They work in an office. Bakers Bake bread. They work in a bakery. Barbers Shave men's beards and cut men's hair. They work in a barbers. Barmen/women Serve drinks. They work in a bar, pub or restaurant. Butchers Prepare and sell meat. They work in a butchers. Chambermaids Clean and tidy rooms. They work in a hotel. Chefs Prepare and cook food. They work in a kitchen. Dentists Look after people's teeth. They work in a dentists. Doctors Look after people's health. They work in a hospital or surgery. Fishmongers Prepare and sell fish. They work in a fishmongers. Flight attendants Look after passengers. They work in an aeroplane (airplane AmE). Hair dressers Cut and style people's hair. They work in a hair salon. Judges Judge and sentence people. They work in a law court. Lawyers Defend and prosecute people. They work in a law court and in a lawyers office. Nurses Look after patients . They work in a hospital or doctor's surgery. Opticians Look after people's eye sight. They work in an opticians. Porters Carry other people's bags and luggage. They work in a hotel or train station. Receptionists Meet and greet visitors. They work in reception. Sales Assistants Sell goods and look after customers. They work in a shop. Secretaries Arrange appointments, type letters and organise meetings. They work in an office. Surgeons Operate on people who are sick. They work in a hospital. Tailors Design, make, alter or repair garments, They work in factories and shops. Teachers Teach people. They work in a school. Technicians Organise and repair technical equipment. They work everywhere! Vets Look after people's animals. They work in a veterinary surgery or vets. Waiters/Waitresses Serve people food and drink. They work in a restaurant. Welders Weld metal to make things. They work in factories and construction. actress /actor/ architect / singer dentist / detective / writer / farmer nurse / pilot / engineer / accountant butcher / cashier / barber / carpenter lifeguard /baker / electrician / flight attendant plumber / / receptionist / researcher scientist / lawyer / bus driver / designer journalist / photographer / musician / painter florist / sales assistant / mechanic / model shop assistant / politician / translator / postman hairdresser / taxi driver / pharmacist / nanny travel agent / cleaner / biologist /businesswoman businessman / dancer / gardener / meteorologist programmer / travel guide / saleswoman / salesman. 1. time 2. year 3. people 4. way 5. day 6. man 7. thing 8. woman 9. life 10. child 11. world 12. school 13. state 14. family 15. student 16. group 17. country 18. problem 19. hand 20. part 21. place 22. case 23. week 24. company 25. system 26. program 27. question 28. work 29. government 30. number 31. night 32. point 33. home 34. water 35. room 36. mother 37. area 38. money 39. story 40. fact 41. month 42. lot 43. right 44. study 45. book 46. eye 47. job 48. word 49. business 50. issue 51. side 52. kind 53. head 54. house 55. service 56. friend 57. father 58. power 59. hour 60. game 61. line 62. end 63. member 64. law 65. car 66. city 67. community 68. name 69. president 70. team 71. minute 72. idea 73. kid 74. body 75. information 76. back 77. parent 78. face 79. others 80. level 81. office 82. door 83. health 84. person 85. art 86. war 87. history 88. party 89. result 90. change 91. morning 92. reason 93. research 94. girl 95. guy 96. moment 97. air 98. teacher 99. force 100. education 1. be 2. have 3. do 4. say 5. go 6. can 7. get 8. would 9. make 10. know 11. will 12. think 13. take 14. see 15. come 16. could 17. want 18. look 19. use 20. find 21. give 22. tell 23. work 24. may 25. should 26. call 27. try 28. ask 29. need 30. feel 31. become 32. leave 33. put 34. mean 35. keep 36. let 37. begin 38. seem 39. help 40. talk 41. turn 42. start 43. might 44. show 45. hear 46. play 47. run 48. move 49. like 50. live 51. believe 52. hold 53. bring 54. happen 55. must 56. write 57. provide 58. sit 59. stand 60. lose 61. pay 62. meet 63. include 64. continue 65. set 66. learn 67. change 68. lead 69. understand 70. watch 71. follow 72. stop 73. create 74. speak 75. read 76. allow 77. add 78. spend 79. grow 80. open 81. walk 82. win 83. offer 84. remember 85. love 86. consider 87. appear 88. buy 89. wait 90. serve 91. die 92. send 93. expect 94. build 95. stay 96. fall 97. cut 98. reach 99. kill 100. remain 1 be am, are, is was, were been being I 2 have has had had having I 3 do does did done doing I 4 say says said said saying I 5 go goes went been / gone going I 6 get gets got got getting I 7 make makes made made making I 8 know knows knew known knowing I 9 think thinks thought thought thinking I 10 take takes took taken taking I 11 see sees saw seen seeing I 12 come comes came come coming I 13 want wants wanted wanted wanting R 14 use uses used used using R 15 find finds found found finding I 16 give gives gave given giving I 17 tell tells told told telling I 18 work works worked worked working R 19 call calls called called calling R 20 try tries tried tried trying R 21 ask asks asked asked asking R 22 need needs needed needed needing R 23 feel feels felt felt feeling I 24 become becomes became become becoming I 25 leave leaves left left leaving I 26 put puts put put putting I 27 mean means meant meant meaning I 28 keep keeps kept kept keeping I 29 let lets let let letting I 30 begin begins began begun beginning I 31 seem seems seemed seemed seeming R 32 help helps helped helped helping R 33 show shows showed shown showing I 34 hear hears heard heard hearing I 35 play plays played played playing R 36 run runs ran run running I 37 move moves moved moved moving R 38 live lives lived lived living R 39 believe believes believed believed believing R 40 bring brings brought brought bringing I 1. other 2. new 3. good 4. high 5. old 6. great 7. big 8. American 9. small 10. large 11. national 12. young 13. different 14. black 15. long 16. little 17. important 18. political 19. bad 20. white 21. real 22. best 23. right 24. social 25. only 26. public 27. sure 28. low 29. early 30. able 31. human 32. local 33. late 34. hard 35. major 36. better 37. economic 38. strong 39. possible 40. whole 41. free 42. military 43. true 44. federal 45. international 46. full 47. special 48. easy 49. clear 50. recent 51. certain 52. personal 53. open 54. red 55. difficult 56. available 57. likely 58. short 59. single 60. medical 61. current 62. wrong 63. private 64. past 65. foreign 66. fine 67. common 68. poor 69. natural 70. significant 71. similar 72. hot 73. dead 74. central 75. happy 76. serious 77. ready 78. simple 79. left 80. physical 81. general 82. environmental 83. financial 84. blue 85. democratic 86. dark 87. various 88. entire 89. close 90. legal 91. religious 92. cold 93. final 94. main 95. green 96. nice 97. huge 98. popular 99. traditional 100. cultural physical corporeal fleshly material carnal corporal actual somatic substantial sensual tangible animal concrete earthly mortal real biological gross human natural normal organic unspiritual worldly mundane temporal terrestrial secular earthbound base sublunary terrene sensible earthborn non-spiritual anatomical materialistic visceral fleshy objective phenomenal brute lay incarnate brutish instinctive bestial instinctual profane factual solid earthy true palpable vile sordid nonspiritual perceptible telluric live in the flesh functional physiologic tactile basic primal non-church genetic biologic biotic sensory laic non-religious physiological nonreligious ungodly practical quantifiable visible measurable appreciable kinesthetic intimate personal of this world feral innate inborn mammalian intuitive wild low in person tellurian animalistic subconscious beastly untamed geotic uncelestial global everyday alluvial terraqueous appetitive coarse uncultured inhuman subhuman unrefined beastlike in all creation under the sun existent genuine veridical non-fictional legitimate non-fictitious intrinsic valid indubitable current historical unimaginary substantive effective unimagined living irrefutable firm de facto embodied positive rightful sound present existing evident dinkum sensual lewd lustful erotic carnal lascivious libidinous lecherous licentious raunchy randy passionate sexual sexy hot steamy fleshly unchaste debauched physical arousing animal corporeal sensuous hedonistic luscious epicurean sybaritic seductive luxurious lush exciting heavy unspiritual voluptuary animalistic appetitive Dionysiac pleasing delightful hedonic X-rated hot and heavy physically gratifying coarse gross wanton voluptuous salacious prurient venereal lubricious vulgar impure profane bestial somatic corporal amorous material genital obscene bawdy crude indecent pornographic dirty blue smutty ribald nasty porny locker-room foul trashy filthy offensive unprintable gutter stag immoral suggestive scurrilous off-colorUS raw hard-core rough evil-minded soft-core off-colourUK libertine fast low-down orgiastic incontinent concupiscent horny degenerate dissolute depraved dissipated naughty promiscuous abandoned decadent wicked goatish loose lubricous intemperate satyric hypersexual itchy lickerish desirous spicy earthy profligate uncontrollable uncontrolled sinful reproductive uncurbed corrupt pervy perverted titillating procreative reprobate unconstrained swinging amoral unruly unmoral unprincipled lax relaxed scabrous disorderly unwholesome rude immodest aphrodisiac erogenous voyeuristic improper unseemly hankering sex longing unhealthy crass saucy uncouth indelicate low itching in the fast lane fast and loose tasteless sleazy rousing stimulating lowbrow lowbred raffish erotogenic racy explicit gamy adult porn fruity roughneck porno rugged rough-hewn near the knuckle scatological close to the bone scatologic in the gutter cheap low-minded aphrodisiacal kinky Rabelaisian venereous fervid purple genitive anacreontic generative sexually exciting sexually arousing sexually stimulating unvirtuous ruttish wolfish hircine hot to trot mortal human fleshly corporeal physical corporal worldly earthly perishable temporal earthborn ephemeral impermanent natural passing transient sublunary creatural animate bipedal evanescent fading finite frail fugacious momentary precarious weak earth-born ecce homo carnal biological somatic organic flesh and blood humanistic anatomical body functional material structural anatomic living alive breathing animate existing live moving incarnate quick organic sentient active animated biological corporeal existent vital lively vigorous warm having life alive and kicking in the flesh among the living in the land of the living conscious biotic aware awake biologic natural alert extant plant animal life viable mortal carbon-based chemical biochemical zoetic functioning surviving standing flesh and blood in existence flourishing dynamic subsisting energetic growing cellular not dead basal amoebic anatomical plasmic synthetic botanic synthesizedUS actinic alchemical synthetical enzymatic sapient botanical zoological zoologic sensate feeling intelligent self-aware flesh-and-blood synthesisedUK capable of feeling completely entirely wholly altogether forcefully forcibly powerfully violently physically totally absolutely collectively corporally fully with force en masse as a body as a group materially actually corporeally mundanely objectively palpably physically ponderably really sensibly tangibly concerning matter fleshlily carnally corporally materialistically sensually somatically animally worldlily concretely substantially solidly temporally terrestrially perceptibly secularly measurably quantifiably visibly factually appreciably phenomenally truely mortally humanly unspiritually profanely biologically earthily naturally organically grossly tactilely globally alluvially basely anatomically touchably viscerally fleshily brutely physiologically normally brutishly bestially lively instinctively sordidly vilely validly genuinely instinctually nonreligiously legitimately positively kinesthetically practically functionally legitly civilly genetically biotically sensorily noticeably lowly laically realistically tactually ungodlily basically primally intimately authentically empirically honestly intuitively ferally innately wildly subconsciously personally appetitively coarsely unrefinedly inhumanly subhumanly intrinsically veridically indubitably livingly historically substantively effectively currently evidently irrefutably firmly rightfully presently soundly forcibly forcefully aggressively vigorously dynamically energetically powerfully roughly strenuously violently assertively explosively firmly potently strongly heartily roundly stiffly stoutly sturdily zealously hard mightily muscularly with force with violence intensely fiercely actively with might and main ferociously spiritedly severely vehemently emphatically heavily with a vengeance almightily passionately animatedly fierily hardly like gangbusters wildly robustly enthusiastically sharply to beat the band viciously furiously intensively keenly blisteringly extremely overwhelmingly greatly livelily acutely earnestly eagerly briskly gutsily puissantly rigorously punchily drivingly toughly devastatingly harshly resolutely savagely peppily overpoweringly zippily effectively determinedly brutally crushingly turbulently lustily resoundingly with vigourUK with vigorUS destructively dominantly vitally commandingly ardently fervently profoundly vivaciously influentially sparkily racily spankingly coercively flamingly consumingly unbridledly indefatigably rabidly with all one's might importantly snappily bluntly perkily airily animately deeply bouncingly friskily pertly springily jauntily gaily jazzily stormily compellingly significantly enterprisingly terribly all out dreadfully excruciatingly boldly unrestrainedly exquisitely uncontrolledly forcedly heftily pushingly madly frightfully frantically like crazy like mad concentratedly zestfully ghastlily drastically thunderously hellaciously fearsomely with great effort kinetically effectually fearfully intemperately tremendously feverishly feistily spryly vibrantly excessively torridly tirelessly bitingly ruggedly starkly titanically weightily tellingly decidedly fervidly riotously threateningly relentlessly emotionally excitingly ragingly steadily sparklingly electrically trenchantly heatedly like fury burningly flamboyantly like billy-o pushily diligently industriously boisterously hardily stimulatingly thuggishly seriously supremely zestily demonstratively fanatically perfervidly frenziedly cruelly damagingly spunkily markedly as hard as possible movingly tempestuously vividly uncontrollably elementally authoritatively rampantly as hard as one can rigidly painfully glowingly warmly blazingly incandescently freshly full blast smartly at full tilt unfetteredly hammer and tongs agonizinglyUS deliriously highly impetuously grievously religiously with energy breezily unflaggingly untiringly with all the stops out demoniacally nonconsensually with full force pungently staunchly pluckily proudly torely abruptly magnetically strong heartfeltly positively unceremoniously gustily excitedly really hard very hard stalwartly kinematically fatally lethally rawly oppressively ungovernably inordinately committedly messianically charismatically productively all-out conscientiously assiduously sedulously unmanageably immoderately extraordinarily enormously concertedly exceptionally persistently cyclonically mortally uncompromisingly critically desperately convulsively urgently enragedly ruinously hotly majorly dramatically entertainingly with perseverance with application unqualifiedly closely tumultuously paroxysmally outrageously volcanically with maximum force to the best of your ability full force with everything one has got full tilt sexily toweringly cuttingly penetratingly exaggeratedly piercingly bitterly stingingly strikingly physically frankly honestly directly tooth and nail flat-out fluidly unsparingly forthrightly invincibly indomitably stringently strictly draconianly might and main buoyantly exhilaratingly headily with all one's strength distinctively tartly poignantly cleverly tangily playfully wittily sportively brightly piquantly tastily richly condemnatorily intimidatingly with all one's might and main ambitiously radically taxingly arduously rebelliously combatively disturbingly securely exhaustingly redoubtably formidably calamitously considerably murderously bloodthirstily berserkly strengthfully successfully controllingly efficiently rulingly authoritarianly ruthlessly impressively virulently truculently sternly pithily persuasively volatilely convincingly roaringly cogently bullishly maniacally pugnaciously callously unflinchingly immovably tightly crucially flourishingly electrifyingly barbarously barbarically mercilessly pitilessly sadistically conspicuously safely motionlessly enduringly unshakeably dazzlingly dashingly bustlingly effervescently inhumanly heartlessly homicidally frenetically hotheadedly colourfullyUK rousingly bouncily stirringly colorfullyUS virilely solid fast thoroughly stably soundly fixedly durably substantially inflexibly solidly tight headstrongly hysterically crazily fumingly agitatedly hoppingly thrivingly busily radiantly vibratingly like a rock purposefully sincerely quickly wholeheartedly devoutly healthily fearlessly with a will like the devil with enthusiasm with eagerness with great vigour for all one is worth for dear life like the deuce as best one can going great guns to the best of one's abilities like nobody's business like it's going out of style strappingly burlily brawnily beefily huskily buffly fitly stockily hunkily bulkily athletically hulkingly chunkily unyieldingly resiliently meatily reliably thickly wholy indestructibly bigly imperishably resistantly fastly dumpily unbreakably stubbily steelily squatly dependably stumpily unwaveringly wholesomely steadfastly tenaciously fubsily lastingly impenetrably goodly imperviously invulnerably adamantinely fatly bloomingly impregnably finely fleshily plumply unimpairedly largely surely unassailably unshakably trimly broadly massively unrelentingly truely shortly flawlessly everlastingly manlily trustworthily perdurably chubbily compactly faithfully concretely inviolably constantly paunchily immutably doggedly portlily trustily unfailingly obstinately corpulently unchangeably responsibly unswervingly permanently unfalteringly unmalleably capably buxomly normally impermeably obdurately calculably rootedly honourablyUK frozenly unblemishedly honorablyUS pudgily densely unbrokenly cohesively stonily faultlessly single-mindedly pristinely perseveringly loyally flabbily infallibly uninterruptedly tautly sportily adamantly unbendingly stubbornly tubbily rotundly grittily airtightly rightly sizeably untroubledly regularly imposingly indissolubly manfully amply intrepidly lithely agilely nimbly togetherly hugely diminutively doughtily masculinely unshakenly grandly incorruptibly cavernously infrangibly lumberingly colossally stodgily gigantically sanely uprightly inviolately leanly youngly dourly indubitably foolproofly snugly butchly unaffectedly dwarfishly healthfully ably inexpugnably stuntedly certainly unpliably impassibly reputably pertinaciously slimly rudely gargantuanly intransigently irrepressibly perfectly stationarily bullheadedly rockily implacably widely grossly ramrod statically unsentimentally sensibly chipperly insistently salutiferously competently refractorily compressedly inelastically repellently mulishly valiantly greenly inexorably unshakingly unmovingly porkily podgily obesely hard-handedly stoutheartedly swollenly pursily unmoveably patiently importunately equably dimensionally undauntedly possessively daringly compactedly adventurously eternally undyingly sizably handsomely voluminously tidily abidingly immortally perpetually undisturbedly venturously audaciously adventuresomely nervily courageously perennially endlessly serviceably grimly unfadingly unquenchably deathlessly inextinguishably ineradicably meaningfully materially indelibly unalterably venturesomely recklessly rashly bravely temerariously foolhardily overboldly really historically substantively consequentially respectably eventfully momentously monumentally principally usefully extensively valuably irrefragably irrefrangibly abundantly vastly earthshakingly tectonically superabundantly in the flesh live physically incarnate in person in actual life in bodily form in real life before one's eyes in reality in front of one in human form before one's very eyes in one's presence in propria persona personally actually as large as life without an intermediary direct tête-à-tête face-to-face in a personal manner directly oneself by oneself manually ball cap hair barrette beret bobby pin bow butterfly clip chopsticks elastic feather flower hair clip hairpin hat headband headscarf kerchief ribbon scarf scrunchie side comb snap clip sweatband tiara tieback beautiful brushed classy clean combed damp dirty dripping dull elegant enviable fashionable filthy gorgeous greasy healthy luscious lustrous nourished shiny singed slick soaked squeaky clean stylish sweaty trendy vibrant voluminous wet blown out coiffed coiffured done neat runway-ready tamed tidy well-groomed ash brown auburn black bleached blond blonde blue bluish bottle blonde brown brunette burgundy burnished chestnut coppery dark flaxen ginger golden blonde gray green honey jet black light mousy multi-colored natural blonde oil slick ombre peroxide blonde pink platinum purple rainbow raven red salt and pepper silver strawberry blonde streaked sun-kissed sun-streaked wheat blonde white yellow yellowing cascading chin length close cropped cropped ear length flowing long medium length mid-back length neck length short shoulder length tailbone length trailing waist length afro a-line angled asymmetrical bangs beehive blunt bob bouffant bowl cut braided braids brushed back bun buzzed center part chignon chopped choppy clipped coils comb over corkscrew curls cornrows crew cut curled dreadlocks ducktail emo extensions face-framing feathered fishtail braid flat top flyaway french braids french twist fringe Jheri curl kinked layered long layers loose military cut mohawk mullet natural pageboy parted pigtails pin curls pixie plaited pompadour ponytail Rasta rat tail ratted ringlets shag shaved side part slicked down spiked spiky spirals springy stacked straightened swept back swept to the side swept up teased topknot trimmed twisted undercut up updo waterfall braids weave wedge wings wrapped lush scraggly sparse stringy thick thin voluminous wispy wooly body bouncy bristly brittle bushy coarse crinkly delicate downy fine flat fluffy frizzy fuzzy glossy lank limp listless luxuriant luxurious medium nappy no body puffy rough satiny silky sleek smooth soft sticky stiff straight straw-like supple touchable velvety wavy wiry hair a ability able about above accept according account across act action activity actually add address administration admit adult affect after again against age agency agent ago agree agreement ahead air all allow almost alone along already also although always American among amount analysis and animal another answer any anyone anything appear apply approach area argue arm around arrive art article artist as ask assume at attack attention attorney audience author authority available avoid away baby back bad bag ball bank bar base be beat beautiful because become bed before begin behavior behind believe benefit best better between beyond big bill billion bit black blood blue board body book born both box boy break bring brother budget build building business but buy by call camera campaign can cancer candidate capital car card care career carry case catch cause cell center central century certain certainly chair challenge chance change character charge check child choice choose church citizen city civil claim class clear clearly close coach cold collection college color come commercial common community company compare computer concern condition conference Congress consider consumer contain continue control cost could country couple course court cover create crime cultural culture cup current customer cut dark data daughter day dead deal death debate decade decide decision deep defense degree Democrat democratic describe design despite detail determine develop development die difference different difficult dinner direction director discover discuss discussion disease do doctor dog door down draw dream drive drop drug during each early east easy eat economic economy edge education effect effort eight either election else employee end energy enjoy enough enter entire environment environmental especially establish even evening event ever every everybody everyone everything evidence exactly example executive exist expect experience expert explain eye face fact factor fail fall family far fast father fear federal feel feeling few field fight figure fill film final finally financial find fine finger finish fire firm first fish five floor fly focus follow food foot for force foreign forget form former forward four free friend from front full fund future game garden gas general generation get girl give glass go goal good government great green ground group grow growth guess gun guy hair half hand hang happen happy hard have he head health hear heart heat heavy help her here herself high him himself his history hit hold home hope hospital hot hotel hour house how however huge human hundred husband I idea identify if image imagine impact important improve in include including increase indeed indicate individual industry information inside instead institution interest interesting international interview into investment involve issue it item its itself job join just keep key kid kill kind kitchen know knowledge land language large last late later laugh law lawyer lay lead leader learn least leave left leg legal less let letter level lie life light like likely line list listen little live local long look lose loss lot love low machine magazine main maintain major majority make man manage management manager many market marriage material matter may maybe me mean measure media medical meet meeting member memory mention message method middle might military million mind minute miss mission model modern moment money month more morning most mother mouth move movement movie Mr Mrs much music must my myself name nation national natural nature near nearly necessary need network never new news newspaper next nice night no none nor north not note nothing notice now n't number occur of off offer office officer official often oh oil ok old on once one only onto open operation opportunity option or order organization other others our out outside over own owner page pain painting paper parent part participant particular particularly partner party pass past patient pattern pay peace people per perform performance perhaps period person personal phone physical pick picture piece place plan plant play player PM point police policy political politics poor popular population position positive possible power practice prepare present president pressure pretty prevent price private probably problem process produce product production professional professor program project property protect prove provide public pull purpose push put quality question quickly quite race radio raise range rate rather reach read ready real reality realize really reason receive recent recently recognize record red reduce reflect region relate relationship religious remain remember remove report represent Republican require research resource respond response responsibility rest result return reveal rich right rise risk road rock role room rule run safe same save say scene school science scientist score sea season seat second section security see seek seem sell send senior sense series serious serve service set seven several sex sexual shake share she shoot short shot should shoulder show side sign significant similar simple simply since sing single sister sit site situation six size skill skin small smile so social society soldier some somebody someone something sometimes son song soon sort sound source south southern space speak special specific speech spend sport spring staff stage stand standard star start state statement station stay step still stock stop store story strategy street strong structure student study stuff style subject success successful such suddenly suffer suggest summer support sure surface system table take talk task tax teach teacher team technology television tell ten tend term test than thank that the their them themselves then theory there these they thing think third this those though thought thousand threat three through throughout throw thus time to today together tonight too top total tough toward town trade traditional training travel treat treatment tree trial trip trouble true truth try turn TV two type under understand unit until up upon us use usually value various very victim view violence visit voice vote wait walk wall want war watch water way we weapon wear week weight well west western what whatever when where whether which while white who whole whom whose why wide wife will win wind window wish with within without woman wonder word work worker world worry would write writer wrong yard yeah year yes yet you young your yourself